
Sustainable Architectural Design will be taught online

Online students can learn about Sustainable Architectural Design from the man who wrote the book on the subject starting this Fall at UNM. Kuppaswamy Iyengar is the author of “Sustainable Architectural Design, An Overview,” (Routledge, May 2015) a leading global publisher of groundbreaking textbooks and premier, peer-reviewed research. In his online course, Iyengar will show students how to use free energy systems and utilize technologies that minimize fossil fuel use, moving from theory to practical application for effective, sustainable building design.

Iyengar, a highly skilled instructor and technical consultant for the past 55 years, combines his degrees in civil and structural engineering and architecture with a wealth of practical experience.  In addition to developing academic courses of study, he has designed and presented over 50 seminars in professional settings, bringing his expertise to students in academic, governmental and commercial locations in India, Barbados, the USA, England, Canada, Australia, the Philippines and Thailand.

Read the article by Mara Kerkez, “New online course ‘Sustainable Architectural Design’ offered this fall,” published in the UNM Newsroom, July 30, 2015.