
Summer Session at UNM builds momentum for students

Even if summer plans include a job, or being outside New Mexico, choosing from more than 200 online and 50 correspondence classes at UNM affords students the freedom to study at any time of the day or night, allowing them to incorporate summer academic goals within work and social schedules.

At the University of New Mexico, summer is an opportunity for all students – whether still in high school, college-bound high school graduates, future transfers or current students on summer break – to invest in themselves and their futures.

A big factor contributing to college students graduating on time is keeping academic momentum and taking a summer course at UNM is a great way to do that. With close to 2,000 classes in more than 100 undergraduate and graduate subjects, summer at UNM means being able to earn three credits in eight weeks or less by taking advantage of two four-week sessions. Beyond the classroom, specially themed institutes or field schools, internships, immersive writing and foreign language experiences are designed for a distinctive and rewarding academic experience. The pace is quick, but the environment is relaxed.  In-state tuition is available for all summer classes.

Read the op-ed by UNM President Robert Frank, published in the Albuquerque Journal April 15, 2014.